Local 3207
3846 Leigh Street, Martinez, GA 30907
Ph: (706) 860-3207   Fax: (706) 860-3208

Message from the Local President
Worker News
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Next Meeting:

March 4. 2025


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D.E.Kines Scholarship

Happy New Year!

Welcome to Communications Workers of America Local 3207's Web site!

CWA, a 501(c)(5) organization is America's largest communications and media union, representing over 700,000 men and women in both private and public sectors, including over a half million workers who are building the Information Highway.

CWA members are employed in telecommunications, broadcasting, cable TV, journalism, publishing, electronics and general manufacturing, as well as airline customer service, government service, health care, education and other fields. We represent employees of AT&T in the Central Savannah River Area covering the east side of Georgia and the west side of South Carolina. We also cover employees of Palmetto Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc in South Carolina.

The Union includes some 1,200 chartered local unions across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Members live in approximately 10,000 communities, making CWA one of the most geographically diverse unions.


All members who received striker relief payments during the 2024 contract bargaining work stoppage should have received a 1099 by January 31, 2025.   The payments count as income and must be claimed on your taxes.  If you haven't received your 1099-Misc, contact the Union Hall for a replacement.

For victims of Hurricane Helene:

Click Here to apply for disaster relief at FEMA

Click Here to apply for aid from the District 3 Disaster Relief Fund

****American Income Life will waive monthly premiums on all policies for CWA Members on strike.  Forms are available at the union hall or Click here to download.

*****Are you a Union Plus policy holder?  You may be able eligible for their strike benefit.  Check out what they offer here.

SB362 in Georgia Passed, Unfortunately
After Governor Kemp pushed legislation in Georgia, SB 362, that will take away our contractually bargained right to join a union through card check, members of the Georgia House disregarded the wishes and rights of workers and passed the bill.   We need to do better at getting our legislature to listen to us.  Let them know at the voting booth by supporting labor friendly candidates.  Click here to see how your representative voted.
Don't know who your representative is?  Click here to see your voter information which includes your elected representatives.

Make your voice count!  Remember to vote in all elections.  The politicians you put in office directly affect your ability to bargain for better wages, benefits and vacation times and at the very least keep you from losing what you already have.   Call your local state reps and ask them where they stand on labor issues and vote for the best answers.  We need to let them know a brick wall against labor issues isn't going to get a vote.

********Check on your voter registration often.   The system in Georgia has made it easy for someone to cancel your voter registration without your knowledge.  Use the links below to verify you are still active in the system.

   Georgia Voters can check your registration and polling locations by clicking here

   South Carolina Voters can check your registration and polling locations by clicking here

Joseph Beirne Scholarship

The Foundation’s Board of Directors has approved the awarding of sixteen (16) partial college scholarships of $4,000 each for two years. Eligible for the scholarships are CWA members, their spouses, children, and grandchildren, including the dependents of retired, laid-off, or deceased members. Applications will be available solely online for submission on the Foundation’s website at http://cwa-union.org/beirne-application.

The triangle symbolizes the three major programs of the union:
  • Representation
  • Organizing
  • Community/Political Action
If the triangle is broken on any side, sooner or later it will be broken on every side. CWA's founding President, Joseph Bierne, called this the "triple threat".

Member's Corner

Do you have a notice about a member that you would like highlighted here?  Send the information to webmaster@cwa3207.org.


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