Local 3207
3846 Leigh Street, Martinez, GA 30907
Ph: (706) 860-3207   Fax: (706) 860-3208

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All members who received striker relief payments during the 2024 contract bargaining

work stoppage will be receiving a 1099 by January 31, 2025.   The payments count as income and must be claimed on your taxes.

2024 Contract Implementation

There have been questions about when the new contract changes go into effect. 

  Click here for a list of implementations and their effective date.


October 18, 2024

The AT&T Southeast and Utility Ops Contracts have been ratified.   The results are as follows:

AT&T Southeast (BST) – Yes (81%)
AT&T Southeast (Utilities) – Yes (74%)

AT&T Southeast (Billing) – Yes (100%)

Our strike was covered in the Augusta Business Daily


Local 3207 Strikers Held the Line!

OCLF & Affiliates' Letter of Support & Solidarity to Members on Strike at AT&T Southeast

Click Here to read the letter of support!

OCLF support ATT Workers
OCLF support ATT Workers
OCLF support ATT Workers
OCLF support ATT Workers
OCLF support ATT Workers
OCLF support ATT Workers
OCLF support ATT Workers

Please consider making a contribution to the District 3 Members’ Relief fund. You may do so online at CWA.ORG/ATTSTRIKEFUND or by sending a check to:

CWA District 3 Members Relief Fund
4100 Perimeter Park S.
Atlanta, GA 30341

 AT&T Continues Its Bad Faith Bargaining With “Final” Offer

CWA Members Remain on Strike in Nine Southeastern States

September 5, 2024

A Statement from CWA President Claude Cummings Jr.

 AT&T’s negotiators presented our bargaining committee with their 145 page so-called “final” offer yesterday at 6 pm. Prior to that, they had not formally presented a complete economic package, and we had seen nothing on health care. When they presented the proposal at the bargaining table, they stated that they were willing to continue bargaining, and we provided a counter proposal at 11 pm.  The misleading message AT&T sent to CWA members this morning about their proposal and the status of bargaining amounts to direct dealing and is more evidence of the company’s continued bad faith. This type of conduct is what led to these workers going out on strike and it does nothing more than aggravate the situation. 

 The devil, as they say, is in the details.

 Health care is a critical issue for our members. For weeks, the company refused to provide us with information that is necessary for us to be able to assess costs and develop our own proposals. Their failure to provide that information was part of the unfair labor practice charges that we filed last month that led to the current strike. They also reneged on an agreement to use regional instead of national costs when determining premiums, which is also one of our ULP charges.  What the company is not telling our members and the public is that their health care proposal raises the upfront cost for our members, especially those with family coverage. We have made it clear to the company from the start that raising our members’ cost share percentage is unacceptable, and the fact that they put this proposal forward shows that they have no interest in reaching an agreement. Their plan also shifts enormous prescription drug costs to employees.

 Health care is not the only area in which AT&T is misleading our members and the public. Their claim about wage increases does not correspond to the facts of their proposal. For instance, under their proposal, wage increases for someone in the Wire Tech title would net out to just $4,766 over the life of a five-year contract after you consider the health care cost increases for a family plan. Wire Technicians are the face of AT&T, serving customers every day to install internet service at homes and businesses and make repairs in the event of outages. 

 I have personally spoken to AT&T CEO John Stankey multiple times since the strike began. AT&T finally provided a complete proposal after I demanded that he put it on the table. I am extremely disappointed that this proposal does not meet my, or our members’, expectations. However, after weeks of waiting and the sacrifice of our members who have been on strike, holding the line for 20 days, we finally have an economic package that our bargaining committee can respond to.

CWA members have seen and personally experienced the effects of prolonged outages and wait times for service and repairs. This strike is a hardship for our members and the communities we serve. It’s time for AT&T to engage in productive bargaining where it belongs - at the bargaining table - so we can get back to work serving our customers.

ULP Strike 2024 - Local 3207

CWA District 3 Rallies in Atlanta for AT&T Southeast Bargaining

With the AT&T Southeast contract scheduled to expire on August 3, hundreds of CWA members, retirees, and their supporters rallied in Atlanta this past weekend.

Addressing the crowd, CWA President Claude Cummings Jr. said, "This is what it’s about: getting our fair share. It’s not about breaking the company. It’s not about taking what we don’t deserve. It’s about getting our fair share! And I believe if we stick together, if we mobilize like we have here, I believe in the end you will come out with a fair contract that the members will be able to ratify. I believe when we fight, we win!" He continued, saying, “It’s not just about money. It’s about wire techs and other techs having a work-life balance, being able to see their family, being able to take time off when they want to.”

AT&T Southeast Rally - Claude Cummings Jr. and Richard Honeycutt 

CWA President Claude Cummings Jr. (left) and CWA District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt fired up the crowd as members gathered to rally and march in Atlanta, Ga., in support of their AT&T Southeast bargaining team.

CWA District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt acknowledged members of the bargaining committee and subcommittees for their hard work and dedication. He also highlighted the work of CWA District 3 Campaign Lead Joey Barker and nearly two dozen state coordinators and trainers who, together, have trained over 2,000 members for tactical escalation.

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) also gave remarks at the rally.

Wages and scheduling for wire techs are key issues at the bargaining table. Last week, CWA released a report, "Wiring Failure: How Low Pay and Overwork Undermine AT&T Technicians and Customers," which exposes how AT&T is driving away its experienced and skilled technicians with low pay and abusive job practices, making it harder for customers to get the high-quality service they deserve.

One Wire Technician in Georgia reported, “Not having enough pay or time to build a family or provide for a family...they wonder why turnover rates are so high; it's because you have to have a roommate or second job to be able to afford to live.”

AT&T Southeast Rally Collage 
CWA members took to the streets in support of their bargaining teams as they seek a fair contract for AT&T Southeast workers.


This post originally appeared on cwa-union.org.

Last updated 08/01/2024



















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