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Utility Operations Bargaining Reports


Utility Operations Bargaining Reports

This is the Utility Ops Bargaining Reports Page. The current working agreement started on August 4, 2019 and expires August 3, 2024.  You can read the expiring UOps contract here.

2024 Bargaining Reports  (Reports reprinted from the District 3 website.)

Bargaining Report #12

July 22, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We met today to discuss the proposals we have submitted to the company as well as to submit an additional information request concerning contractors. We believe that we can do the jobs better and in a more cost-efficient way.  CWA is unified and we still want more in 2024!

Fight for more in 2024!

Bargaining Report #11

July 19, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

We met internally to discuss benefits, wages, sick time, cost of living, overtime penalty, and contractors. We also drafted proposals to submit to the company concerning our issues along with multiple information requests.  CWA is unified and we still want more in 2024! 

Fight for more in 2024!

In Unity your Bargaining team

Johnita Tolbert

Gail Bubba Shewalter

Eric Adams

Isa Shabazz

Bargaining Report #10

July 18, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

This morning we met with the company to submit multiple proposals and discussed the status of multiple proposals that are still on the table. We continue to be in this slow pattern of bargaining and waiting on slow company responses.  Hopefully, the company understands that utility operations employees are serious about the proposals on the table and looking to gain a fair and just contract.

CWA is unified and we still want more in 2024! 

Fight for more in 2024!

Bargaining Report #9

July 12, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

We met with the Company again today to review proposals and get additional clarification on a few of the company’s proposals.  We countered the company’s proposal for BBI and are waiting for their answer. We are still holding on and waiting for the company to give us answers for several of our Utility Operations proposals. 

Keep mobilizing and sending your pictures in for the encouragement of your bargaining team and to let the Company know that we mean business!CWA is unified and we still want more in 2024! 

Fight for more in 2024!

In Unity your Bargaining team

Johnita Tolbert

Gail Bubba Shewalter

Eric Adams

Isa Shabazz

Bargaining Report #8

July 11, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters, we met with the Company today to review a proposal to include BBI into the BST contract. We have some issues with the Company’s proposal and are drafting a counter-proposal to ensure that the BBI members will maintain their seniority, benefits, and all bargained for rights they currently have in addition to new rights they will gain from the BST contract. As always, we have to stay vigilant when looking to ensure that our membership is protected. Keep mobilizing and sending your pictures in for the encouragement of your bargaining team and to let the Company know that we mean business!

 CWA is unified and we still want more in 2024! 

Fight for more in 2024!

Bargaining Report #7

July 10, 2024

We met with the Company today and they rejected several of our proposals. We submitted some new proposals and caucused afterwards to work on counter proposals. 

Although we are still in the early phase of bargaining, please continue to show the company that CWA is unified and we still want more in 2024!

Fight for more in 2024!

Bargaining Report #6

July 9, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We met internally today to draft additional proposals to submit to the Company in our meeting tomorrow morning.Please continue to show the company that CWA is unified and westill want more in 2024!   Fight for more in 2024!

Bargaining Report #5

July 8, 2024

Brothers and Sisters,
Good Evening,

We hope that all of you had a good and safe 4th of July. Your bargaining team is back from the holidays and ready to get back on the grind. The committees for BST are breaking down into additional sub-committees to try and deal with specific issues and subjects. That being said, the management bargainers are spread thin and we are still awaiting responses to several of our proposals. We will continue to keep you informed of our progress.

Fight for more in 2024!

In Unity your Utilities Bargaining team

Gail Bubba Shewalter
Eric Adams
Isa Shabazz

Bargaining Report #4

June 28, 2024

Brothers and Sisters,
Today your bargaining team met internally to draft additional proposals to submit. We are very
hopeful that the company has heard us and will be willing to work with us on the demands we
put forth to enhance our members’ wants and needs.
Fight for more in 2024!

Bargaining Report #3

June 27, 2024

Brothers and Sisters,

Today your bargaining team met with the company to exchange proposals. The Union submitted proposals surrounding bereavement, holidays, overtime, and health and safety. The company asked clarifying questions and the committee explained the reasoning behind the proposals and its importance to Machine Operators, their work life balance, and the company. The company said they heard us loud and clear and will take everything we said into consideration when responding back to our proposals.

The company said they are looking forward to bargaining with the Utilities bargaining team and we are ready willing and able to fight for an equitable contract.

Fight for more in 2024!

In Unity your Utilities Bargaining team

Gail Bubba Shewalter
Eric Adams
Isa Shabazz

Bargaining Report #2

June 26, 2024

Today we met internally to clean up and review our proposal before meeting with the company.  We are scheduled to meet with the company tomorrow to submit our proposals and see what the company's proposals are. We look forward to representing you at the table and thank you all for your support.

Fight for more in 2024!
In Unity your Utilities Bargaining team

Gail Bubba Shewalter
Eric Adams
Isa Shabazz

Bargaining Report #1

June 17, 2024

Today the bargaining teams for the AT&T Southeast, Utility Operations, and AT&T Billing contracts, along with the Wire Tech and Consumer subcommittees, met at the CWA District 3 Office in Atlanta, Georgia to begin drafting our bargaining proposals based on the suggestions submitted by CWA members throughout District 3.  We are scheduled to meet with the company’s bargaining teams on Tuesday, June 25th 2024 to officially start contract negotiations. 

We want to thank everyone who submitted a bargaining suggestion form and those who participated in sorting and prioritizing them at the Bargaining Task Force meeting.  As we prepare for this round of bargaining, please continue your mobilization efforts, and help our bargaining teams send a strong message to AT&T, that we will "Fight For More In 24"!!

























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